Zoom Foris Wine Tasting Pack
In Store Pickup Only Available For This Item
You may be familiar with wines from the northern parts of Oregon, the Willamette Valley and its surrounding regions. This Zoom tasting will explore an under-appreciated part of Oregon, the southern Rogue River region. On Thursday, June 11th at 7pm, Barriques will be hosting a Zoom Virtual Wine Tasting featuring wine from Foris Vineyards in southern Oregon. Included in the tasting pack are one 750ml bottle of their Pinot Gris, their Pinot Blanc, and their Pinot Noir.
We will be joined winemaker Stephanie Pao, who will explain what differences you can observe in a southern Oregonian wine, versus a northern Oregonian wine. Stephanie has over fifteen years of experience working as a winemaker, and has worked in regions such as Oregon, California, and even a season overseas in New Zealand.
After purchasing your wine, you will receive another email on Monday, June 8th with instructions on what to do next to join us, virtually, on the 11th. Event is limited to 40 tasting kits so get yours before they sell out. Cheers!
We DO NOT ship Wine. This item is available for in-store pickup only.